Correlates of online bookstores service quality, satisfaction, and patronage intention by research students in Nigerian universities
The study examined correlates of online bookstores service quality, satisfaction, and patronage intention among the research students in Nigerian universities. Through a survey design, the study drew on 711 research students from ten universities in the South-west, Nigeria. Three hypotheses were developed and tested. The findings revealed that online bookstores service quality and satisfaction correlate with patronage intention of online bookstores by the research students in Nigerian universities. Besides, online bookstores service quality and satisfaction significantly predicts patronage intention by the research students in Nigerian universities; and that satisfaction significantly predicts patronage intention of research students to an online bookstore than service quality. Based on the findings, the study recommended that online bookstores should improve the quality of their service so that there may be an additional increase in the level at which research students are satisfied with their services thereby improving their patronage.Downloads
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