Provision and Access to Library Support Services for Distance Learners in Ladoke Akintola University, Nigeria

  • Musediq Tunji Bashorun University of Ilorin
  • AbdulHakeem Olayemi Raji University of Ilorin
  • Omotayo Atoke Aboderin University of Ilorin
  • Yusuf Ayodeji Ajani Al-Hikman University of Ilorin
  • Esther Kehinde Idogun-Omogbai University of Ilorin
Keywords: Open education, Library support services, Distance learner, LAUTECH, University, Nigeria


The study examined the provision and access to library support services for distance learners in Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Nigeria. The population of the study consisted of distance learners from LAUTECH. A random sampling technique was used to select 341 respondents as sample size of the study. Data was collected using an adapted questionnaire. Four research questions were answered by the study. A total of 341 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the respondents with a response rate of 86.2%. The findings of the study revealed that the majority (90.2%) of the respondents agreed that the library offered support services except for documentary, borrowing and internet services to distance learners. Also, the findings revealed that the level of accessibility of library support services was slightly above average. Furthermore, the findings revealed that the level of satisfaction by distance learners is low. The study revealed that geographical isolation, poor Internet connectivity, difficulty in borrowing library and others affecting the use of library services. The study concluded that the LAUTECH library provided library services but inadequate to DLs. Based on the findings; the study recommended among others that library management should extend borrowing of books.


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Author Biographies

Musediq Tunji Bashorun, University of Ilorin
Bashorun, M.T is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. He is currently at Umaru Musa Yar'adua University, Katsina State as a sabbatical Lecturer at Department of Library and Information Science.
AbdulHakeem Olayemi Raji, University of Ilorin
Raji, A.O. is a postgraduate student in Department of Library and Information Science, University of Ilorin
Omotayo Atoke Aboderin, University of Ilorin
Aboderin Omotayo is a postgraduate student in Department of Library and Information Science, University of Ilorin
Yusuf Ayodeji Ajani, Al-Hikman University of Ilorin
Ajani, is a part-time lecturer in the Department of Library and Information Science,  Al-Himan University, Ilorin
Esther Kehinde Idogun-Omogbai, University of Ilorin
Idogun-Omogbai is a postgraduate student in Department of Library and Information Science, University of Ilorin


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