Change management in an academic library in the knowledge economy

Keywords: Change management, academic library, knowledge management, technological change


In the knowledge economy, knowledge is channelled in new ways which brings about changes to the structure and function of an organisation. Organisations such as academic libraries often introduce innovations in delivery of information services to clients which entail the use of information and communication technology. Current growth in technological applications is enabling academic libraries to change the way they deliver services to clients. Technological applications continuously redefine how academic library collections are used. This article investigates how change in terms of technology is managed in a decentralised academic library in a higher education institution of South Africa. The study was placed within a qualitative research paradigm. A case study design presented the research providing the opportunity to analyse the perception and experience of participants and ensured that real life events were investigated. Semi-structured individual interviews were used to collect data. The most significant finding of this study is the emphasis on the importance of change management in academic libraries and the need for effective communication in order to achieve low resistance to change from academic library staff


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Author Biographies

Tanya Du Plessis, University of Johannesburg
Tanya Du Plessis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information and Knowledge Management at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. She specialises in competitive intelligence tools and techniques and virtual learning environment content integration. She holds a D Litt et Phil (University of Johannesburg), with the focus on information and knowledge management in support of legal research in a digital information environment.
Tiyani Tyson Mabunda, Tiyani Tyson Mabunda Researcher in the Department of Information and Knowledge Management, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Tiyani Tyson Mabunda is a researcher of the Department of Information and Knowledge Management’s research centre at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He holds the degree, Masters of Commerce (Business Management) with specialisation in information and knowledge management at the University of Johannesburg. His research focus is on change management for a decentralised academic library in the knowledge economy. 


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