Exploring network literacy among students of St. Joseph's Theological Institute in South Africa

  • Patrick Ngulube University of South Africa
  • Mhlukanisi Shezi University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Athol Leach University of KwaZulu-Natal
Keywords: Information Retrieval, Internet, Internet use, information seeking, network literacy, user studies


The main purpose of this study was to explore the level of network literacy among theological students at St. Joseph's Theological Institute. The survey research method was used and the data collected through a self-administered questionnaire and an in-depth interview with the Librarian. The entire population of 188 students was surveyed; only 65 students responded. Findings revealed that the major problems facing Internet users at St. Joseph's were the shortage of computers and lack of training in the use of Internet facilities. Further, students did not use a wide variety of Internet resources, had limited skills and knowledge to access networked information resources and made limited use of computer-mediated communication tools. Recommendations concerning network literacy at the Institute were made and suggestions for further research are put forward


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