Measuring the quality of service: a case of Chancellor College Library, University of Malawi

  • Naomi Kachoka Information Studies Programme, University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Ruth Hoskins Information Studies Programme, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Keywords: Library service quality, library assessment, LibQUAL ™, Quality management in libraries, university libraries


This paper discusses the perceptions and expectations of undergraduate students of the quality of service at Chancellor College Library, University of Malawi. A LibQUAL+ instrument was used to assess the students perceptions and expectations of the quality of service. The minimum expectation of service that the students would accept was also examined. Using a self-administered questionnaire and an interview schedule it was found that Chancellor College Library did not perform well in all the LibQUAL dimensions of service quality namely: affect of service, library as place and information control. Undergraduate students of the Chancellor College had higher expectations of service quality than the perceived quality of service both for desired expectations and minimum expectations leading to negative adequacy and superiority gaps.


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