Management development needs of library managers belonging to Gauteng and Environs Library and Information Consortia (GAELIC) in South Africa

  • Solomon Bopape University of the North Library
Keywords: Management development needs, library managers, library human resource management, GAELIC region


This article is based on the Masters dissertation that was submitted to the Department of Information Studies, University of Pretoria. The changing social and political environments in South Africa have created a lot of complex and challenging opportunities for the management of human resources in most organizations. In library and information service organizations, managers have received little or no training in human resources management. In order to establish what the training and development needs of managers in academic libraries in performing human resource management activities and tasks are, a survey by means of a questionnaire based on the Graham and Mihal model was conducted, using six South African university libraries, from the Gauteng and Environs Library and Information consortium (GAELIC). The results of this study or research paper showed that most library managers in the selected academic libraries need training and development in human resource management activities and tasks, especially those related to utilization and development of staff. They need to know more about conducting performance appraisals, motivating staff, improving staff relations and delegating responsibilities. They also showed a need for training and development on activities and tasks related to managing labour and employment relations. This includes understanding employment legislation, communicating with employees, improving and maintaining good working conditions as well as maintaining discipline. Although few library managers indicated the need for training and development in tasks related to human resource planning, some indicated they need training and development in tasks related to human resource provision such as selecting and appointing suitable library employees. Programmes that address these needs must be developed in South Africa. The programmes must be designed to equip library managers with skills and competencies that will enable library managers to manage staff effectively.


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