Managing the collective intelligence of local communities for the sustainable utilisation of estuaries in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

  • Lucky N. Mosia KwaZulu-Natal Law Society Library
  • Patrick Ngulube Information Studies Programme, School of Sociology and Social Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Keywords: Collective intelligence, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, estuaries, communities of practice, storytelling


The aim of this study is to demonstrate that managing the collective intelligence of the community, that is, tacit and explicit knowledge is key to the sustainable utilisation of resources. Studies have shown that sharing knowledge is problematic in most organizations, whether they are formal or informal. In that regard, a study was conducted to determine how knowledge was shared and distributed in an "open" system such as the Tyolomnqa Estuary in the Eastern Cape. Secondary data was gathered from the existing literature, whereas questionnaires, interviews and focus groups were used to collect primary data. The study revealed that knowledge sharing among the communities using the Tyolomnqa Estuary was fragmented. A model to facilitate the sharing of knowledge on the management of estuaries in the Eastern Cape based on communities of practice and storytelling is suggested.


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