Challenges of postgraduate research: case of developing countries

  • Stephen M. Mutula School of Sociology and Social Studies, Information Studies Programme, University of Kwazulu Natal
Keywords: postgraduate programmes, research utility, research productivity, research capacity, research supervision, university education, Africa


Postgraduate research is a form of study offered by a university or an institution of advanced learning. The emphasis of postgraduate research is on developing systematic skills of investigation in research process. It is not necessarily aimed at producing ground breaking innovation or extending knowledge as is commonly perceived. Most postgraduate research involves basic and to a lesser extent applied and/or collaborative research. This article is an offshoot of a paper presented at the Department of Information Studies (University of Zululand, South Africa) Annual Conference from 10-11 September 2009. The article discusses the challenges of postgraduate research with special reference to universities in Africa. The author proffers suggestions on minimizing the challenges of postgraduate research faced by university institutions in Africa.


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