Author normativities for artificial intelligence: analysis from Latin America librarianship approach

  • Juan Miguel Palma Pena Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Artificial intelligence (AI), in its broadest sense, is intelligence exhibited by machines, particularly computer systems (Wikipedia 2024) In this regard, for the present study, AI is an informative action that uses third-party information to give answers to different questions, so it can be said that it is linked with libraries by common objectives, since these are actors that implement ways to foster access to information. Therefore, it can be said that both the action and the actor are articulated to satisfy information needs. Nowadays, AI raises challenges mainly about how to legislate ownership and reproducibility of information that this technology uses and produces. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study and identify the author normativities to legislate information used and produced by AI that have been developed in Latin America. The methodology for this study was carried out through a bibliography review and quantitative methods, with exploratory, explanatory, descriptive and predictive research levels. Findings obtained indicated that Latin America is gradually advancing in reviewing and updating author normativities to legislate the information used and produced by AI.


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