Application of Conversational Generative Pre-trained Transformer for improvement of information services in academic libraries

  • Mashilo Modiba University of South Africa


Conversational Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) can be applied in academic libraries to provide information services in the Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR). In providing information services in academic libraries, ChatGPT refers to an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbot or virtual assistant specifically tailored for library environments cybrarians can use to provide information services in academic libraries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the application of ChatGPT to provide information services in academic libraries in the 5IR. This qualitative study used literature review as methodology and incorporated insights from researchers’ experiences with using AI chatbots such as ChatGPT to provide information services in academic libraries in the 5IR. The study findings revealed that ChatGPT can effectively provide information services in academic libraries in the 5IR. It can enable smooth interaction between the patrons and the library, and answer queries of patrons. It can provide information services around the clock without interruption. This study proposes a framework to apply ChatGPT to provide information services in academic libraries in the 5IR, which can guide academic libraries in the 5IR to adopt and utilise ChatGPT to provide the information services effectively and efficiently.


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