Adoption and use of Information and Communication Technologies by teachers in selected vocational and technical colleges in Lagos State, Nigeria

  • William Nwagwu Africa Regional Centre for Information Science, University of Ibadan


This study was designed to examine the adoption and use of information and communication technologies by teachers in Selected Vocational and Technical Colleges in Lagos State, Nigeria. Data was collected from 90 VTE teachers out of a sample of 105. The variables were created based on UTAUT theory. Principal component analysis was used to reduce the dimensions of each of the constructs in the model. The relationship between performance expectancy and adoption of ICT variables of using information technology services to improve job performance is very small, and negative but significant (B=-0.14, t=-0.257, p<0.000). Using information technology to improve teacher performance and adoption of ICT yielded a similar result. But the reverse is the case for using information technology to improve teaching efficiency (B=0.248, t=1.786, p=0.19). The correlation coefficient of the relationship between the availability of ICT tools and the adoption of ICT is relatively low (r=0.392, p<0.05). Furthermore, the regression coefficient between effort expectancy and adoption of ICT is not significant, but the situation is different for the availability of a specific person or group available for assistance with any technical problem. Self-efficacy variables also predicted the adoption and use of ICT. Generally, the ICTs were available but not as much accessible. The implementation of ICT in the VTE colleges in Lagos would benefit from a wider scope study, with an examination of factors other than those of UTAUT.


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