Student’s assessment of Balme Library’s use of information technology in providing quick and efficient library services
An academic library operates primarily in a university, college, or polytechnic to provide content, materials, and resources, both print and electronic, to assist with teaching, research, and recreation of the university community. Users of academic libraries possess different levels of skills and expertise and have varying expectations of information technologies used in their academic discourse. This study sought to identify the level of accessibility and availability of information technologies to users in the Balme Library as well as their skills and abilities in the use of IT. It also sought to determine if a relationship exists between the accessibility of information technology tools and facilities available in the library and learning and research outcomes of users. The positivist approach to enquiry was employed in this study. Questionnaires were used in collecting data from undergraduate and postgraduate users of the Balme library of the University of Ghana. Findings from the study revealed a significant positive relationship between the accessibility and availability of IT resources and learning and research outcomes.Downloads
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