Open access digital repositories of agricultural sciences in Africa
a webometric study
The study examines different characteristics of link analysis and visibility of websites of agricultural digital repositories in Africa. The different link structures and the presence of web through different indicators like Internet access, web pages and link count are also highlighted. This study has used popular search engines Google) to analyse and measure the web presence of African agricultural repositories. An attempt has also been made to find out the correlation among the WIF and WISER indicators of selected agricultural repositories in Africa. The result shows that KARI e-repository-(Kenya Agricultural Research Institute) occupies the first place with 102467.5325 SWIF among 37 agricultural repositories in Africa. Again, it ranks 23rd position with 77 Web Pages and 02 In-link Web Pages and 0.025974026 RWIF. The findings of this study may guide webmasters and library professionals to identify the web presence of repositories and also help them to compare the repository websites of agricultural sciences in Africa by their WIF and WISER Rank.Downloads
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