Leadership roles within the ranks in Nigerian Academic Libraries

Keywords: Leadership in Academic libraries, Library ranks, Leadership within the ranks, Non-managerial leadership


The study investigated leadership roles in academic libraries with the purpose of discovering the librarians’ perceptions as well as evidence of leading from within the ranks and not necessarily from a managerial or supervisory position. The reason for this investigation is to identify if library staff regardless of their position within the organisation are free to demonstrate their leadership potentials by influencing change or motivating other colleagues to accept and work towards a shared vision. The research methodology applied was the quantitative method. Using the case study of two mid-northern Nigerian Universities, findings show that although librarians in non-supervisory roles demonstrate leadership attributes that help improve services delivered to users in their libraries, yet, supervisory staff are more likely to suggest new ideas than non-supervisory staff. Therefore, there is a need for the academic library to refocus its leadership structure and be willing to acknowledge other leadership styles especially ones that will encourage librarians in all ranks to showcase their talents and creative abilities; particularly in areas or services where their passion lies in order to promote the library innovative process and drive service development.


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Author Biography

Ngozi Odili, Baze University, Abuja
Librarian IILibrary Department, Baze University, Abuja.


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