Leisure reading: a case study of adolescent readers at Letlhabile community library

  • Chrisaldah Mapula Tlou University of South Africa
  • Maritha Snyman University of South Africa
Keywords: Key words, leisure reading, adolescents, reading culture, reading habits, rural, South Africa


Literature on the topic of reading habits shows that reading for leisure benefits children and adolescents in numerous ways. It improves their vocabulary and literacy skills, it encourages self-development andprovides young adults with entertainment, relaxation and a means to escape (McKool 2007: 111). The aim of this study was to investigate the reading habits of adolescents in Letlhabile in terms of practise and perception. The study used a mixed methods research approach and collected data from a total of 290 respondents with the aid of questionnaires and a focus group. The researchers wanted to establishhow adolescents in Letlhabile perceive leisure reading, to what extent they participate in reading for leisure, and how leisure reading can be promoted in this community. The data collected from the mixed methods approach revealed contradictory findings that a questionnaire alone would not have revealed. The research approach was thus successful, but the findings were not enough to explore and meet fully all the aims of the research. It was, however, found that respondents were aware of the benefits of leisure reading and that they had good ideas about how leisure reading could be promoted in their community.


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