A survey of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as enablers of knowledge capture and retention in three Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) public broadcasting corporations

  • Peterson Dewah University of KwaZulu-Natal
Keywords: Key words, Knowledge, knowledge retention, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), public broadcasting corporations, SADC.


ICTs play an important role in capturing and retaining vital tacit and explicit knowledge which is at risk of loss yet an organization may need it for its operations. It is therefore incumbent upon organisations to harness and retain important organisational tacit and explicit knowledge. Between 2009 and 2011 the researcher undertook a survey of ICTs as enablers in knowledge capture and retention in three public broadcasting corporations in the SADC region in order to address the following specific research questions: What is the level of computer literacy among broadcasting staff? What stage of internet connectivity is each broadcasting corporation and how accessible is the internet to staff members? What ICT infrastructure is available in public broadcasting corporations for knowledge capturing and sharing? To what extent do employees have access to various ICTs for knowledge transfer and retention? Which technologies are used to retrieve, share and disseminate knowledge? The study employed the survey method and triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, observations and content analysis of the three broadcasting corporations reports and other documents. The major findings were that the three organizations are at different stages of technological advancement, not all offices are computerised, not all employees have access to internet at work, and telephones are widely used for communication and sharing knowledge. To improve on the use of ICTs for knowledge capture and retention the organisations need to provide and avail various technologies, computerise all offices, two organizations need proper internet connectivity, and employees should have access to internet to encourage sharing of knowledge and collaborative activities with other organizations.


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Author Biography

Peterson Dewah, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Information Studies Programme, Postdoctoral Fellow



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