Implementing a Certificate of Information Literacy programme and engaging with faculty: a case study of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Keywords: Information literacy short course, academic collaboration, information literacy policy


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a certificate-based information literacy (IL) programme at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. The evaluation determined whether there was improvement in the academic performance of students. It also evaluated the collaboration between the library and lecturers, and how librarians and lecturers evaluated the programme. The study used a case study approach. A questionnaire survey asked lecturers to evaluate the implementation of the programme and its impact on students’ performance. In a focus group discussion, librarians reported on the students’ performance and on how they engaged and collaborated with lecturers. The study was limited to two faculties and to first-year and Extended Curricular Programme (ECP) or foundation level students within Communication and English classes. The results indicated effective programme implementation by using a student-centered teaching approach. The IL content was aligned to academic tasks. Formative assessments showed that student learning took place constantly. The summative assessment indicated improved student performance. Findings were validated by lecturers’ feedback. The IL programme was a participatory model, resulting in a shared understanding of IL and built strong collaboration between lecturers and librarians. The implications of the study showed that the programme, the first short course offered by the library officially endorsed by the university, had been successful in its implementation, collaboration and student performance and that it offered value. It is hoped that information literacy will be fully embedded into curricula as stated by the institutional information literacy policy and for it to be part of a fully accredited course.


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Author Biography

Zulaiga Davids, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Faculty Librarian for Business Faculty


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