Using the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy to foster teaching and learning partnerships

Keywords: ACRL Framework, learning literacies, graduate attributes, embedding information literacy, multiliteracies


The Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education presents scope for deepening the conversations and achieving more productive collaborations between lecturers and librarians. These transactions are significant for the ongoing efforts to create and maintain a sustainable programme for information literacy within higher learning. It is suggested that librarians and lecturers might use the Framework as a kind of heuristic resource to bring to the surface or make visible the processes and practices in knowledge making that may be tacit or unintelligible for students. Based on a series of interviews with lecturers across different disciplines, this paper explores the synergy between the conceptual frames of the Framework and the lecturers’ strategies to bring about the kinds of literacies that are valued as generic graduate attributes needed in the twenty-first century.


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