Enhancing information research and learning skills through e-learning: the case of Monash University Library

Keywords: e-Learning, Information Research/Information Literacy, Learning Skills, Monash University Library


This paper focuses on the use of e-learning technologies for the purposes of enhancing information research and learning skills (IRLS) at Monash University Library. The objective of the research was to establish how Monash University Library integrates its vast resources and services through the medium of e-learning; what role Librarians and Learning Skills Advisers play in teaching and learning through e-learning; what measures were used to assess the effectiveness of e-learning in IRLS; what challenges Librarians and Learning Skills Advisers encountered in creating e-learning content for IRLS; and lastly, what the strengths and limitations of e-learning in the provision of IRLS are. The qualitative method was used as a research design and the population group consisted of Subject Librarians and Learning Skills Advisers from the Australian and South African campuses of Monash University. A questionnaire was used as the method of data collection.


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Author Biography

Peter Graham Underwood, Peter G. Underwood is an M.IT Supervisor, University of Pretoria.
Emeritus Professor, Library and Information Studies Centre, University of Cape TownHonorary Professor, University of KwaZulu-NatalSenior Associate, Knowlead Consulting and Training 


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