Menials or managers? A decade of library and information science educationat the Cape Technikon

  • E.S. van Aswegen Department of Library and Information Studies, School of Teacher Education, Cape Technikon


This article gives a survey of the first decade of education of library and information science workers at technikons in South Africa, with particular reference to the Cape Technikon. The development of a variety of qualifications is sketched, culminating in the introduction of degrees in 1996. The introduction of technikon library and information science qualifications at a time when rationalization of programmes at universities was introduced, as well as the uncertainty regarding the status of technikon diplomates is discussed. In conclusion, the impact of the National Commission on Higher Education policy, as well as the implementation of a National Qualifications Framework, is briefly addressed.Hierdie artikel bied 'n oorsig van die eerste dekade van opleiding van biblioteek- en inligtingwerkers aan technikons in Suid-Afrika, met besondere verwysing na die Kaapse Technikon. Die ontwikkeling van 'n verskeidenheid kwalifikasies, wat gekulmineer het in die instelling van grade in 1996, word geskets. Die instelling van technikonbiblioteek- en inligtingkunde-kwalifikasies gedurende die tydperk van rasionalisasie van onderrigprogramme aan universiteite word aangeraak, sowel as die onsekerheid met betrekking tot die status van technikonafgestudeerdes. Ten slolte word die impak van die beleid van die Nasionale Kommissie oor Hoër Onderwys, sowel as die implementering van 'n Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk, kortliks bespreek.


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