Virtual academic and the virtual librarian: real interdependency

  • S. Myburgh School of Communication and Information Studies, University of South Australia


This article is an exploratory study which observes some of the changes presently being experienced by academics, and identities some of the issues which have yet to be resolved. It will be seen that these changes will demand a new type of relationship between academics, and academic and research (AR) librarians. Different responsibilities will be thrust upon AR librarians as their work becomes an increasingly vital complement to academic work - in particular controlling the scholarly electronic publishing done by academics at their institutions, protecting copyright and preserving intellectual property, assisting academics and students alike in gaining the necessary skills of information literacy; and in creating order out of the chaos that is the Internet, by locating useful and pertinent information in Cyberspace. Responsibilities for academic libraries will include providing the means for all students to have sufficient suitable access to Cyberspace.Hierdie artikel verken 'n aantal veranderinge wat tans deur akademici ervaar word en identifiseer sommiges waarvoor daar nog nie oplossings gevind is nie. Dit is duidelik dat hierdie veranderinge 'n nuwe verhouding tussen akademici en hul inligtingsbibliotekarisse vereis. Namate laasgenoemde se bydrae 'n noodsaaklike bestanddeel van akademiese werk word, sal nuwe verantwoordelikhede aan die bibliotekaris toegesê word. Verantwoordelikhede oor die beheer van vakkundige elektroniese publikasies van akademici, die beskerming van kopiereg en die intellektuele inhoud word hierby ingesluit. Ook die hulpverlening aan akademici en studente in die verkryging van die nodige inligtingvaardighede, die skepping van orde uit die chaos van die Internet deur die opspoor van nuttige inligting word die verantwoordelikheid van die inligtingbibliotekaris.


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