Some aspects of the sociology of information: a framework for analysis ofinformation provision in the resource centre sector of South Africa

  • G-M. Karelse INFOLIT
  • M.G. Nassimbeni School of Librarianship. University of Cape Town


The purpose of this article is to explore aspects of the sociology of information in an attempt to construct a conceptual framework as a tool for understanding alternative information provision in the progressive resource centre sector of South Africa. The point of departure is that the approach to information provision in this sector has been different from that in traditional libraries. It is argued that aspects of the sociology of information are germane to an understanding of the different approaches. Consequently. the link between information. consciousness and ideology; and the relationship between information. education and development are considered. The article draws on a number of theorists whose foundational works on information are useful in the task of constructing the conceptual framework. Thus. for example. the article draws on contributions by Dervin. Althusser and Gramsci for their insights into the situationality of information, ideological control of information and hegemony, respectively. Reflecting on the pattern of information provision in the past, and looking forward to the role of information providers in reconstruction and development, the article argues that the integration of information, education and development is important for the realization of life-long and resource-based learning.Sekere aspekte van inligtingsosiologie word bespreek met die doe! om 'n konseptuele raamwerk saam te stel om die lewering van inligtingdienste aan die alternatiewe inligtingsektor in Suid-Afrika beter te kan verstaan. Die vertrekpunt is dat die verskil tussen hierdie sektor van die inligtinginfrastruktuur en die tradisionele biblioteeksektor beter verstaan kan word deur 'n studie van inligtingsosiologie. Dus word die verband tussen inligting, bewussyn en ideologie ondersoek. asook die verband tussen inligting, opvoedkunde en ontwikkeling. Die artikel verwys na die belangrike bydrae van teoretici soos Dervin, Althusser en Gramsci vir insigte met betrekking tot die omstandighede van inligting, die ideologiese beheer van inligting, en hegemonie. Daar word geargumenteer dat die integrasie van inligting. opvoedkunde en ontwikkeling noodsaaklik is vir die nuwe benadering tot voortgesette leer.


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