Information needs of the teachers of Orange Farm
The purpose of this research project was to determine what the information needs are of teachers in a black metropolitan informal settlement. A group survey was conducted on a sample of 206 teachers from 42 primary and secondary schools in the Orange Farm area. The results were processed by computer and cross tabulation was performed on the data to identify any possible influences of variables like sex, age and type of school. The findings are discussed and in view of the picture that emerges of a complete lack of library services or any other available resources, recommendations are made. The most important recommendation is that a mobile library service for the teachers should be started with the co-operation of the educational authorities, local government and the Provincial Library Services.Die doel van hierdie navorsingsprojek was om die inligtingbehoeftes van onderwysers in 'n informele swart metropolitaanse gebied vas te stel. 'n Groepopname is uitgevoer op 'n steekproef van 206 onderwyser uit 42 laer en hoër skole in die Orange Farm-gebied. Die resultate is rekenaarmatig geprosesseer en kruistabulering is gedoen om moontlike invloede van veranderlikes soos geslag, ouderdom en soort skool te bepaal. Die bevindinge word bespreek en in die lig van die beeld van algehele gebrek aan biblioteekdienste of enige ander hulpbronne, word aanbevelings gemaak. Die belangrikste aanbeveling is dat 'n mobiele biblioteekdiens vir die onderwysers ingestel moet word met die samewerking van onderwysowerhede, plaaslike owerhede en die Provinsiale Biblioteekdienste.Downloads
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