First professional, in-service and continuing education and-training:provincial library staff perceptions
Changes in education and training are anticipated countrywide in terms of the National Qualifications Framework. This framework, based on a system of credits for achieved learning outcomes, is overseen by the South African Qualifications Authority, a parastatal body, which will assist professional bodies in the establishment of appropriate national standards through accrediting bodies. These developments focus attention on the Library and Information Service's sector's education and training debates. This article addresses issues of first professional, in-service and continuing education and training with particular reference to requirements reported by a large group of public library service providers, the profesionally qualified staff of the provincial library services.Veranderinge in onderwys en opleiding word landswyd verwag in die lig van die Nasionale Kwalifikasie Raamwerk. Hierdie raamwerk wat gebaseer is op 'n stelsel van erkenning van verkreë leeruitkomstes staan onder die toesig van die Suid-Afrikaanse Kwalifikasie Raad, 'n parastatale liggaam wat professionele liggame sal bystaan in die vasstelling van geskikte nasionale standaarde deur akkrediteringsliggame. Hierdie ontwikkeling fokus die aandag op gesprekke rondom opleiding in die biblioteek- en inligtingsdienssektor. Die artikel spreek sake van belang vir professionele opleiding asook voortgesette indiensopleiding aan, met spesifieke verwysing na die behoeftes van die professionele personeel van provinsiale biblioteekdienste.Downloads
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