Literacy through literature
It is most important that a child's language and reading skills should be developed to its fullest potential. The aim of this article is to gain insight into the state of research and consensus in the literature on the value of children's literature for language acquisition, second language and literacy learning. Different ways in which a child can be brought into contact with books are also discussed. The impact of the research on South African educationalists and publishers are explored. Some local programmes and products to promote reading are discussed.Dit is belangrik dat 'n kind se taal- en leesvaardighede tot hul volle potensiaal ontwikkel word. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om insig te verkry in die stand van navorsing en heersende menings oor die waarde van kinderliteratuur vir die aanleer van taal, 'n tweede taal en vir die verkryging van geletterdheid. Verskillende maniere waarop die kind in aanraking met literatuur gebring kan word, word bespreek. Daar word ook gekyk na leesreekse en programme wat in Suid-Afrika ontwikkel is om geletterdheid deur middel van lees te bevorder.Downloads
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