Images of grandparents in English South African children'spicture books

  • S. I. I. Olen Children's Literature Research Unit, University of South Africa
  • M. P. Machet Children's Literature Research Unit, University of South Africa
  • M. Marchand Children's Literature Research Unit, University of South Africa


This article is a qualitative analysis of intergenerational relationships as reflected in 25 English South African children's picture books. It is hypothesised that children's books are a mirror of society's attitudes, values, norms and perceptions. Therefore an analysis of picture books should reveal current attitudes towards grandparents and elderly people and also reflect the similarities and differences in the various South African cultures pertaining to these issues. Issues that will be examined are images of grandparents, the role of grandparents, relationship between grandparents and child and activities shared by children and grandparents.Die artikel is 'n kwalitatiewe ontleding van verhoudings tussen verskillende geslagte soos dit uitgebeeld word in 25 Engelstalige Suid-Afrikaanse kinderprenteboeke. Daar word van die hipotese uitgegaan dat kinderboeke 'n spieelbeeld van 'n gemeenskap se ingesteldheid, waardes, normes en persepsies is. 'n Ontleding van prenteboeke behoort dus 'n indruk te gee van die hedendaagse ingesteldheid teenoor grootouers en bejaardes en dit behoort ook die ooreenkomste en verskille in die verskillende Suid-Afrikaanse kultuurgroepe te reflekteer. Aspekte wat ondersoek word, is die uitbeelding van grootouers, die rol wat grootouers speel, die verhouding van grootouers met die kind en die aktiwiteite wat grootouers en kinders saamdoen.


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