The why, what, and how of collection development policies

  • Carol van Zijl Gold Fields Library, VaalTriangle Technikon


During the past decade, the issue of the collection development policy has been discussed extensively, especially in view of the new electronic resources which have become part of the stock of most libraries. In this article, the issue of the importance of such a policy in the contemporary library is discussed, especially its value as a planning, selection and decision-making tool, as well as a means of protecting the library with regard to collection management decisions. The type of information which should be included in a collection development policy is then discussed as well as the criteria which could be applied in the selection of all types of information media. A brief guide to the writing of this policy concludes the discussion.Gedurende die afgelope dekade was daar intense belangstelling in en bespreking van die versamelingboubeleid van biblioteke, hoofsaaklik teweeg gebring deur die byvoeging van nuwe elektroniese bronne tot die biblioteekvoorraad. In hierdie artikel word die belangrikheid van 'n versamelingboubeleid in die eietydse biblioteek bespreek. Daar word verwys na die beleid se waarde met betrekking tot beplanning en keuring. Die rol van die versamelingboubeleid as besluitnemingsmeganisme en as beskermingsmaatreel word bespreek. Die inligting wat benodig word om 'n versamelingboubeleid op te stel, asook die kriteria wat toegepas word in die keuring van verskillende inligtingmedia word bespreek. Die artikel word afgesluit met 'n oorsig oor die opstel van 'n beleid.


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