Year 2000 (Y2K) compliance - origins, obstacles and opportunities

  • A.S.C. Hooper Department of Information Systems, University of Cape Town


This article considers the problems posed by the software and hardware components of Year 2000 compliance. Different perspectives are explored to obtain an understanding of the technical as well as business decisions that need to be faced as the deadline approaches. Particular attention is paid to the standards being set for Y2K compliance. Processes for achieving compliance are summarised and reference is made to specific mechanisms and how to obtain details. To concentrate on the more positive business aspects and opportunities, ways in which the compliance process can be approached to enhance a company's business offering and competitiveness are explored. Suggestions are made as to who is responsible for addressing the risks and how to minimise them, bearing in mind the legal elements involved. Because of the large amount of uncertainty associated with the 'millennium bug' and its consequences, some attention is paid to what can be done to pick up the pieces after 1 January, 2000.Hierdie artikel neem die probleem van die gereedheid van sagte- en hardeware komponente vir die jaar 2000 in oenskou. Verskillende perspektiewe word ondersoek om sodoende begrip te kry van die tegniese sowel as die besigheidsbesluite wat geneem moet word namate die sperdatum nader kom. Besondere aandag word gegee aan die standaarde wat gestel word vir Y2K-gereedheid. Prosesse vir gereedmaking word opgesom en verwysing word na spesifieke meganismes gemaak. In 'n poging om op meer positiewe besigheidsaspekte en geleenthede te konsentreer, word maniere ondersoek waarop die gereedheidsproses benader kan word om 'n maatskappy se mededingendheid te verbeter. Voorstelle word gemaak oor die aanpak van die probleme en hoe risiko's met inagneming van regsaspekte verminder kan word. Vanwee die grootskaalse onsekerheid oor die 'millennium-virus' en die gevolge daarvan, word aandag gegee aan die herstel van skade na 1 Januarie 2000.


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