Local content development projects in Africa

  • Stephen Mutula University of Zululand
Keywords: Local content, Africa, indigenous knowledge, knowledge management, digital content


The paper unpacks the concept of 'content' and its derivative 'local content'. It further elucidates on the confusing nexus between 'local content' and indigenous knowledge and asserts that IK is in fact a special form of local content. The benefits of local content to the economy are discussed as are the challenges. The paper submits that contrary to widely held perception, Africa has made good progress towards developing and managing its local content. Several local content initiatives by international agencies as well as regional and national efforts are testimony to this claim. The paper suggests the way forward to enhance local content development in Africa.


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Author Biography

Stephen Mutula, University of Zululand
Associate Professor in the Department of Library and Information Studies at the University of Botswana. He is currently(2008), a Visiting Professor in the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Zululand, South Africa.
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