Mapping the fit : library and information services and the national transformation agenda in South Africa, Part 11

  • Christine Stilwell University of KwaZulu-Natal
Keywords: Library and information systems and services, access to information, education and training, South Africa


An update of an article which appeared in the IFLA journal (Stilwell, 2007a), this article follows on from Part 1 (Stilwell, 2008) charting progress in terms of the fit between available library and information services and that which is expected in terms of the national transformation agenda. This second article picks up on libraries and information services in South Africa as part of the wider national information system, starting with school libraries. An overview of archives, record centres and museums, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), embassies, commercial database industry and indigenous knowledge follow. The sectors concerned with the dissemination of information and information technology are described as well as the library and information education and training sector and the organised profession. This overview is based on literature retrieved from the available, mostly electronic, databases


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