Investigation into the acquisition of statutory status for the South African LIS sector

  • Reggie Raju G.M.J. Sweeney Law Library, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Keywords: LIASA, Professional associations, Statutory status for LIS sector, Trade unions


The issue of statutory status was raised by the Special Libraries Interest Group at the 2004 LIASA conference AGM. The Executive Committee of LIASA mandated the author to research the issue of statutory representation of the South African LIS sector. This paper reports on this investigation. The author reviewed the relevant literature to determine the factors that have contributed to the continued existence of LIS professional associations and to examine the transformation of LIS representation from an occupational association to a professional association and back to an occupational association. The author uses case studies to explore the three possible routes for the profession to debate. The paper recommends a referendum be held within the profession to determine a way forward.


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